A first kiss, or even a honeymoon, doesn't grant permission for “all else”. Consent must be ongoing, and there can be no consent if a person ignores the real nature of the proposition or if she is intimidated. Therefore, without a “Yes”, it's “No”. That goes for a woman and for the population.
Can the population give its informed consent when trade deals are negociated in secret? ...when the protection of investors and the competition between countries might well cause more jobs lost than jobs gained? ...when the consequent increased transportation of goods keeps nations wasting fuels known to wreck the climate?
Does the population really want to keep an outdated electoral system that most often gives all the power to one party which imposes its sole will? Does the population consent to be submitted to austerity measures for the unbridled pleasure of tax haven users who have no regard for people?
I think the answer is “No”. Acting as if it's “Yes” is contempt for the people's will and well-being and is strangely reminiscent of the rape culture.
Pamela Walden-Landry