William Commanda movie this Friday!
The April 21 headline was, “Rising Ottawa River Swallows Parliament Hill Pathways Whole”. What a wake-up call to support the vision of the late Algonquin Spiritual Leader Grandfather William Commanda who planted a seed in many hearts! To see Canada as a nation learning to work in solidarity with his Algonquin Anishinabe ancient wisdom, to offer stewardship and care for the land and water.
Over time, their land was lost as are our lands now to water and to climate change -- causing us to see. More violent storms continue and the soil can no longer hold the water due to loss of mature trees. We are awakened that in each heavy storm, floods occur and raw sewage flows into our drinking water. This is a time of working with leaders from all echelons of society to change what we are doing so we can together find new ways to support and create new jobs and a new economy on caring for our land and waterways. Here science and spirituality, with indigenous wisdom, can create a new democracy.
Friday, April 28, at Sylvester Depanneur, 9 Rue Fortier, Hull, 6 to 9 pm, is a showing of “Biography of Grandfather William Commanda”. In this movie, we see the real man and his values --that worship and water are sacred and a right for all, that we can change ourselves from polluters and takers and create a culture of peace and a “Circle of All Nations”. I hope everyone can come and see the movie on this great man’s life -- and feel inspired to write and call your local political voices to support the private member’s bill of MP David McGuinty to create a commission with Ottawa River Keeper to care for this great sacred Algonquin watershed known as the Ottawa River.
Let us inspire all those interested in showing this movie to contact Seb Lemay via 819-684-3099.
Judith Matheson,
Heart + Soul Light Centre