When Canada is in the news
In recent weeks, there are brewing two of the most important issues (news) on our continent.
Of course, the most important issue is our heart-breaking wildfires in Fort McMurray. And it is going to be costly in all aspects, and expanding every new day. That is why I have difficulties understanding the rejection on the highest level, the decline or rejection of help from five countries, including Russia. This is not time to play politics, this is another humanitarian disaster, our disaster!
At the time when we are beginning to recognize the contribution of Russia (the ally in the WWII), as seen in Toronto's celebration of V-Day 9th of May, we still play politics of times past! After all the 'official' record shows 22 million fallen defenders, more likely 28-30 million. And we hold onto emotions of 'whatever' at the point of humanities crises?! Is this some kind of sacrifice of our own people for the sake of politics, I wander?
This reminds me of my times past when the idea of the Multiple/Multilateral Sculpture, Thought and Understanding was offered in good will, and was silenced (sacrificed) some 35 years ago for whatever reason, only to re-emerge recently in the world. Considering that it was originated in Canada, it is puzzling on many levels. Though I am not a politician, just an artist.
And now the other issue which concerns us. That is the resounding public support in the selection process for the presidency in the USA. Something that may have been unexpected, but may work for the best. After all, if Mr. Trump is, as he was portrayed, 'the Megalomaniac', he is in the best position to prove his point and restore the faith in America to the previous glory of being seen as the Beacon of Democracy. It has happened in recent history (the democracy) by industrialists (comes to mind Thomas Bata), though on a lesser stage. But think and consider his desire for posterity in direct equation to achievement and he may get it right. Just read between his lines.
Rasto Hlavina