We can’t afford to leave anyone behind
A global crisis, without doubt, requires a global solution. Whoever gets sick, in any town or country, can transmit the virus to others. The virus highlights our collective interdependence and the profound interconnectedness of our world.
Every year, many millions will succumb -- to poverty -- because of health problems in the family. With others, Canada can work on strengthening health systems in low-income countries, so that when a vaccine becomes available for COVID-19, everyone in the world can have access to it.
Similarly, there are other life-changing vaccines which cost literally pennies per dose, but to which many people still do not have access. Every year, 1.5 million children die of vaccine-preventable diseases. Canada supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, will help out. And supporting GPEI, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, can help wipe out another devastating disease right from the face of the earth!
Talk about worthwhile goals! Now is the time for our action – please advocate to our federal MPs on Canada’s capacity to help make our planet safe and healthy for all.
Nora Hagen, MD
Cochrane, Alberta