Various road works are about to begin
Major work is about to begin in the District of Aylmer, with more than $6 million going to improve Eardley Road, Beaulac Street and Old Aylmer in general.
For Eardley Road, this year represents the first of two years of work to be done.
Included in this work, the city plans to:
- Redo the water system
- Redo the paving
- Add missing sidewalks
- Add a bike path
- Add all-direction stop signs in front of the École internationale du village.
- Remove the asphalt between Brook and Eardley Road to use as green space.
The work between rue Principale and Front Street will be finished this year and the work in 2020 will complete the project from Front to Boulevard des Allumettières.
Aylmer District Councillor Audrey Bureau said she was “pleased to see the addition of a bike path and sidewalks on Eardley and the addition of stop signs in all directions at the corner of Eardley and Brook Streets across from the elementary school.”
This work, which represents an investment of more than $2.6 million, will begin on August 12 and will last approximately 84 days.
Beaulac Street will be repaved and will see the installation of speed bumps to respond to what Councillor Bureau describes as “a speed problem”.
“The speed moderation measures on Beaulac are a response to a speed problem. Although the city has refused to put stop signs in all directions at the corner of Lattion and Beaulac Streets, I ask residents to report all security-related incidents they witness at this intersection via 311.
This work will cost $830,000.
In Old Aylmer, Derwin, John, Helenore, Brook and Douglas Streets will receive sewer, water, paving and sidewalk repairs with an attached $3.2 million bill. (Trans.BA)