Update on the British Hotel expansion project
At its meeting held on January 21, 2020, Gatineau’s Municipal Council adopted the second draft by-law and the second resolution of the special construction project for the buildings located at 71 and 79 Principale Street, namely the Hotel and Café British, to add 84 housing units. As with any urban development project, social acceptability is important. That is why interested persons residing in the affected areas and the adjacent areas had until February 6 to file an application to open a register (procedure for requesting a referendum), in accordance with the Municipal Elections and Referendums Act. The City confirmed that it had not received any valid applications for the opening of such a register.
The expansion project at 71 and 79 Principale Street, which will link the Hotel and Café British by adding 84 units on the property, will require the demolition of the rear parking lot and part of the terrace.
71-73 Principale Street forms a 2,136 square metre lot that runs along Parker Street between Principale Street and Symmes Street, while the other half of the block is divided into two lots, 79 Principale Street and 49-51 Bancroft Street. The block is the property of a business owned by Michael Clemann.
The Aylmer Heritage Association gave the go-ahead for this project. The Association was consulted many times during the approval process, along with the urban planning advisory committee and the municipality.