Two to four lanes:
Pink Road gets puffed-up – in part!
After years of discussion, the section of Pink Road between rue de la Gravité and Vanier Road will be enlarged, thanks to funds from the federal and Quebec governments. The work will begin in 2018, to finish in 2023, in two phases.
Phase One includes widening Pink Road from two to four lanes for a distance of 700 metres, from Gravité to des Grives. Phase two will see the four lanes reach Vanier. The remainder of Pink will remain a rough two-lanes.
The funding package of $13.9 million also covers signifiant work on De La Vérendrye in Gatineau sector. Plateau Councillor Marquis-Bissonnette was lavish in her appreciation of help from the higher levels of government at the announcement, May 24. She acknowledged that the residents have been asking for this for several years, following accidents and safety issues, including major traffic tie-ups during rush hour. Pink serves North Aylmer, a growing region thanks to its proximity to downtown Hull and Ottawa.
(transl. FR)