---- Try everything, compare results
My letter last week should be repeated regularly, in my opinion. I criticized an earlier letter-writer who was complaining about the pandemic response by our city. My very simple point is that complaining and criticizing does not help much in any situation. I hear plenty of complaints about our province's plan to re-open schools, yet no one has much to propose. Mr Rock also wrote last week complaining. He was upset that Quebec is not doing what Ontario does -- and so we have to get Ontario addresses to access distance-learning tools!
Do we think everyone should react in the same way to this pandemic? Come on, folks! No one knows how this plague will work out; we are all guessing, and many guess that it is going to get worse or at least continue longer. So why do these unhappy people think they can already tell what is the best? (And why is it always Ontario's way that seems best to them?)
It is best to have several trials, several routes and approaches to all problems caused by the pandemic. They say about a vaccine that we probably won't get one quickly, and it may not be a complete cure. That goes for everything -- when to go back to school, and how, when to open sports, and how, when to open business, and how ... we have to try everything likely and then compare results.
Ron George