Touring the businesses of Aylmer
The business community celebrated local Aylmer enterprises December 4 with their annual APICA Festivities Tour. A busload of local professionals and business people visited the new brewery, Brasserie artisanale Gallicus, the new hockey and fitness training centre, Centre d’entrainement ISDP, the Bulletin d’Aylmer and Groupe Conseil Epsilon offices in the Galeries Aylmer, as well as the Material et distribution Lavoie site. A meal by the restaurant Antonym was enjoyed at the end of the evening back at Gallicus. Food was also provided by Bistro Mexicana 129 and beverages by Epsilon at the Bulletin and Epsilon visit.
The event was sponsored by APICA president François Sylvestre, by Groupe Conseil Epsilon and by the digital marketing company Ad Caffeine.