Top Tips for a sustainable yard
Invite in wildlife
Make it easier for wildlife to get into your yard and to live there. Your home is their home too, and putting up fencing around your property can cut off important ecological corridors for wildlife. Consider more eco-friendly property demarcations such as hedges and other more porous fencing.
Wild weeds support pollinators
Weeds can be a pain to get rid of and flowers sometimes need some encouragement to flourish. There are some weeds that, when left alone, can help turn your yard into a beautiful flower bed. Milkweed, in particular, attracts monarch butterflies, and goldenrod is a great source of nectar for bees and both insects are important pollinators.
Let your yard go a bit wild
Allowing a part of your yard to grow is the quickest and easiest way to create cover for wildlife in your yard. Not only does this support your local ecosystem, but it also can help keep unwanted insects out of your garden by giving beneficial insects, like lady bugs, and other insect eating animals, like birds, a place to live.
Less gravel, more mulch
Doing away with a gravel path to your front door and replacing it with something more eco-friendly is an easy and sustainable way to help wildlife on your property. Putting down some cardboard, covering it with mulch or sawdust and letting nature take its course can create a pleasing looking, natural path. It also gives a home to frogs, salamanders and other creepy crawlies that love to eat the insects eating the stuff in your garden.
Have a place for birds
Sometimes, wildlife is hard to find in your garden because it is so small and you do not notice it until you find something has been nibbling at your lettuce. Birds feed on insects, especially those who are chewing on your garden. If you have birds on your property, it probably means you have cultivated other wildlife as well. Give birds a place to stay, a place to drink, and a place to bathe and they will take care of the things in your garden that you might not want there, while fertilizing your yard for free.