To the gentleman who returned my daughter’s wallet
You didn’t leave your name at the high school, so we have no way of thanking you. You will never know how much we appreciate what you did. My daughter cried when she was handed the wallet. I cried when I heard the news. Who are you?
Everything was accounted for. Christmas money from her uncle was in the wallet – to be used for her vacation during March Break. All of her Christmas gift cards from family members, her student ID and health card and a ton of other things. I have no idea how I would have been able to replace everything. It is just her and I.
She felt guilty about losing the wallet and the money and was going to work extra hours on top of the 20+ hours she works while going to school full time, maintaining her marks. Her goal is to go to university to study International Law.
She is an incredible young lady who is very grateful for this. Your act of honesty is touching and incredible.
Thank you again, whoever you are. We live in a wonderful community and you lead by example, especially for the younger generation. This is a beautiful start to the New Year.
Vanessa Galphin