The US has been trumped
I’m not sure what planet Trump supporters live on, but it certainly isn’t one based on reality. From the beginning, they have backed a man whose entire adult life has consisted of misogyny, greed, egotism and ruthless self-centred ambition. His business dealings were characterized by bankruptcies, a marked lack of compassion, and a willingness to screw over investors and students. His presidential campaign was one of racism, divisiveness and fear-mongering. That he is a pathological liar was proven time and time again through the simple act of comparing the words that came out of his mouth one day against the words that came out the next.
Since his election, he has filled his cabinet with corporate bagmen and fringe-dwelling lunatics who despise science or even empirical truths, choosing to replace them with the “alternative facts” that more accurately describe the benighted worlds of their fear and greed-driven imaginations. His inaugural speech wasn’t one of hope or nobility, but another of a series of linked narratives in which he is often the sole occupant, a speech where he continued to sow fear and mistrust for the purpose of creating the discord and anarchy that his cronies in big business feed upon.
In the space of ten days, he issued twelve executive orders, his naked craving for absolute power overwhelming even the pretence of believing in the democratic principles that he openly condemns whenever they get in his way. He invokes God at every opportunity, believing, correctly, that his entire life has been a denunciation of Christ’s teachings. And let’s not forget the flagrant corruption behind his attacks on the EPA.
How anyone could believe that a cold-blooded reptile would drain “the swamp” when he is one of its most prominent denizens is beyond their own professed belief systems, “cognitive dissonance.” I call it either cynical manipulation or delusional stupidity.
David Desjardins, Aylmer