---- The US election
I am certainly worried about our American cousins and their election this fall. If Trump is re-elected, we will have to finally face the fact that America has elected him, not just a cabal of conspiracy theorists & racists. So? We cannot change our geography, but we can insulate ourselves by our foreign and economic relations: China! Actually, relations with as many other nations as we can, to dilute the weakness of our situation of dependence viz-a-viz the USA.
Canadian media and politicians who continually promote conflict with China (because China holds two Canadians for trial, whereas our own seizure of the Huahua's president is completely proper!), these "influencers" must be called out and rejected -- Postmedia newspapers, MacLeans magazine, most of CBC's talking heads. Can't Canada pursue its own interests without this continual kowtowing to Washington?
Andy Black
Aylmer north