Speak out for a sustainable future!
The oil corporations have suppressed protests and hired guards who strutted around with assault weapons to intimidate protesters, and it continues. There needs to be serious concern given to the indigenous peoples’ right to govern their land, even their basic human rights -- and that indigenous women and children get abducted without nearly enough investigation from the police to get justice.
Let’s not forget the deforestation, harm to waterways, and ecosystem disturbance that arise from building a pipeline.
There are many alternatives that could be invested in by these companies or even the government; we all have to come together and propose them until they give in. Employees of the oil industry who lost their jobs or quit can reinvest their energy into building affordable housing and providing access to clean water and electricity for vulnerable communities.
The government has already sunk too much money into oil, and into bailing out the industry every year. This not the time for taxpayer money to go to them if we are serious as a country to meet our climate targets.
Sustainability is team effort, and I’m sure we can find a way forward if we speak out.
Chloe Sabourin,