South Hull student moves up to French dictation finals
Elijah Brown, a 6th grade student at South Hull Elementary, will be heading to Montreal, May 21, for the Dictée PGL competition’s finals. This competition is designed to improve French language skills in young people. Elijah is the first West Quebec School Board student to reach this level in the competition.
Elijah, who has been in French immersion classes “for as long as [he] can remember”, took part in his school’s qualification round last winter. He was then chosen to move on to the next round. Despite minor difficulties in the qualifications, he told the Bulletin it went well and that he is both excited and nervous about the final in Montreal. “This opportunity is just incredible”, the young man commented.
Looking to the future, Elijah added that he wants to continue on to university and “take math courses” or pursue his “childhood dream to play professional basketball”. Or both.