Same taxation rate for all school boards
Since last March, taxpayers have noticed changes on their school tax bill. On that date, the Quebec Assemblée nationale adopted bill 166, a reform of the school tax system.
From now on, in the Outaouais, the taxation rate is set at $0.13694 per $100 uniformed evaluation of taxable buildings. This rate is similar to that of Abitibi-Témiscamingue.
Prior to this reform, Quebecers could choose the school board they wished to pay school taxes to, and many taxpayers chose the one with the lower tax rate. The Western Quebec School Board (WQSB) had a lower taxation rate than the French school boards in the region. “This is a victory for all, especially for parents who send their children to francophone schools,” said James Shea, President of WQSB. “The position of Western Quebec had an important role to play in the province’s resolution. In most regions in Quebec, it was the English school boards who had higher tax rates. They therefore benefit from this new bill,” he said.
The year 2018-2019 will be one of transition before a permanent taxation rate is in place. Currently, the school boards must use the lowest taxation rate in effect in their respective region. According to the Commission scolaire Portages-de-l’Outaouais (CSPO), this is great news. “This bill puts an end to the former inequity in school taxation between Francophones and Anglophones,” said Mario Crevier, CSPO President. “Money had the priority before bill 166, so we are satisfied with the new taxation rate,” he added.
Now that all Outaouais school boards have the same tax rate, the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) will pay the difference through equalization. There will be no budget compressions with regard to services offered to students, says the education department. This new measure enables school boards to keep their taxation power.
According to the Quebec government, the bill aims to ease the compliance burden on taxpayers and to eliminate the rate inequities within a region. The first $25,000 of a building’s taxable value is exempted.
The tax system is regulated by the MEQ. All owners of taxable buildings must pay school taxes to the school board in their territory. This tax finances certain school board activities, such as building maintenance and administration, as well as school transportation. The tax bill must be paid, at the latest, on the 31st day following its reception. The amount depends on the value of the taxable building and the rate varies according to region.
The Outaouais region has five school boards, one of which is anglophone.