Rising actor reveals Aylmer roots
Sébastien Labelle, a 39-year-old former student at Aylmer’s Grande Rivière High, has released another highly praised performance in the new movie, Black Cop. The movie will be shown at Ottawa’s Mayfair cinema, June 13 and 14. It will also appear in Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver and other cities across Canada.
Labelle’s reputation was solidified with his performances in Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize it (2014) and Pure (2017). In Black Cop, Sébastien plays second to the main actor, a black policeman, in a vivid story that highlights racial and social tensions across Canada and throughout North America.
Following Grande-Rivière Labelle attended the Cegep de l’Outaouais and has been living in Halifax since 2010.
Mr Labelle studied theatre (and international development) at Dalhousie University in Halifax. His first performance after completing his academic studies was in The Crucible, the American Arthur Miller’s last major work. While pursuing an acting career, he is the general director of a theatre in Halifax and the director of the Mayworks Halifax festival. The Trailer Park Boys farce is available on Netflix. (Trans. CL)