Reply to Thompsett
Mr Thompsett's letter earlier last summer does clearly demonstrate that Covid is indeed a sham -- but for quite different reasons than those the anti-anti-anti's put forward. The plot is this: Given the obvious over-population of our planet (this is the basic cause behind climate catastrophe, environment and habitat destruction, pollution and toxic emissions, nuclear weapons & core melt-downs, etc) -- the Covid pandemic has been launched as a global weeding operation: humans will self-select for self-destruction.
As his letter demonstrates, this weeding operation starts with the most brainless of the population. It's brilliant, really. Covid will get the population back down to manageable levels -- we've all studied Malthus and population cycles, haven't we? AND here's the brilliant part: it will be the idiots among us who kiss-off first, and all by their own hand, by refusing any help or protection. Perfect!
The only fly in this plan is that these anti-everything-ers can still infect others before they're buried, if we are not careful. But careful behavour is a sign of intelligence, so, baring some inevitable bad luck (say, today's Einstein gets infected), and coincidences, we can actually count on this brilliant plan by the "demented" Bill Gates and his crew to save humanity's long-term future.
Gates' Covid plan seems much more likely of success than older schemes to get rid of the brainless millions (usually born in the UK, for some reason!) than the Luftwaffe or IRA. Obviously there is progress in human history!
Jon Kerstan