Reply to the Bird Nazis
How can these people complain about cats eating birds when every dining table in the country has a turkey on it at Christmas? What do these people think they are eating when they visit Kentucky Fried Chicken? Alligator meat? Kangaroo?
Check the ingredients of cat food and see the carnage necessary as stacks of chickens (birds) are kept in inhumane cages to provide “IAMS” and “Whiskers” with meat for that indoor cat.
“Endangered species”? What bunkum! Most endangered species are large predatory creatures and I shudder to think of the odds for a six-week-old kitten taking on a Golden Eagle. (And since there is at least one fox living near the Marina, the claim that there are no predators is simply a lie).
Why worry about birds at all? DNA analysis and study of a mesosaurus proves that dinosaurs, far from being reptiles, were flightless and featherless birds. It is possible to build an anatomically correct, small skeleton of a brontosaurus from chicken bones. So, according to the Birds Nazis, we need to preserve these last leftovers of the era when creatures were the size of apartment buildings, because letting "Muffin the Bird-Slayer" into the back yard is more genocidal than the ten-kilometre long meteor that plunged into the Yucatan 65 million years ago.
The fact is Canadians have little ability to see the consequences of their popularist “do-goody” legislation, regularly passed with as much oversight as a Quebec driver gives a speed limit sign.
So now we all have to live with the risks of an Avian Flu H5N1 pandemic mowing down our loved ones. whilst pesky sparrows eat the seeds out of West Quebecer farm fields that would go to feed our children, and poop on our freshly washed cars just to ensure our cats are kept under indefinite house arrest.
Fact: Cat should be kept outdoors!
Robert L. Thompsett