Reply on free speech
I can’t believe your reader Steve d’Eça is defending Ann Coulter’s right to spew falsehoods and alarmist accusations (similar to those used by d’Eça himself). Talk about old news! Would he support giving neo-Nazis the right to speak in public institutions because “free speech” is an ideal we all share? Except the neo-Nazis (likely Ms Coulter too).
Why should these characters be given a forum to spread falsehoods, threats, and a general atmosphere of fear and intimidation? Our whole discussion in North America has been shifted rightward, so why facilitate that further when it ultimately includes denying free speech, should any of these neo-Nazi types gain political power (ever hear of Mr Trump?).
Everything has limits, even good things like free speech. Free speech-deniers should not be given the luxury they deny to others. It was correct that Ms Coulter be sent back to the American ideological swamp! We already have Kevin O’Leary.
William Stanley