Rejecting the TPP
Re your editorial on rejecting the TPP, which I agree with, since so many people in so many careers and industries also see problems with it, I wonder why you would pick buy-local as the main reason to object? In the TPP deal, there are cost increases to patented drugs, loss of control over privacy issues, end of our inspectors on our food chain and, of course, effectively giving corporations the same status as national governments. They can sue each other! You call it Canada’s “external constitution”. That’s not my idea of a rational economy.
The TPP would put the final nail in our manufacturing sector. NAFTA is a prime example of what’s wrong with these secret, multi-level deals. Last week’s job statistics show continual decline in manufacturing. Why would we add more pressure on our
manufacturers and exporters.? With these deals, Canada will be a raw materials exporter only, and that was the “vision” of Mr Harper, a defunct one. We want our manufacturing
sector back!
Rodney Clooney
NOTE: “Buying local” was proposed as one of our few means of directly countering the effects of these secret and destructive trade reorganizations. That doesn’t say much for democracy, does it?