Re: letter on mothers, strollers & buses
Does this Mr Armstrong really exist? Was this an April Fool's joke? I am appalled at his audacity, comparing a stroller-pushing, child-caring mother to serial killers! Has he lost his mind? Does he live in a suburban bubble? I never thought in this day and country there were still male chauvinistic pigs. Gone are the days when mothers had to stay home "where they belong", and when mothers have no other mode of transport, how are they to get anywhere?
It's called "public transport" for a reason. Mothers with babies are part of the public. Shame on him for suggesting they be banned from buses.
If he is deranged enough to think that mothers pushing babies can compromise his air and health, what is he doing on public transport in the first place? He complains of back injuries and trampled toes – he is not pressured to help anyone! Did he applaud that bus driver (who he mentioned) who left a mother with 2 babies and groceries out in the rain to take the next bus because it was rush hour? That bus driver should be fired! These mothers pay for their passes just like he does. Mr. Armstrong is the one who should be banned from the bus because his attitude toward our fellow human beings sucks!
I have not used the bus system in over 35 years. I’m thankful that I don't because of foul-minds such as him. He should either wear a big bubble on the bus so he can take up two seats and not worry about anyone else's air, or just use his car, as many of the rest of us do.
JoAnne Duquette