Project at Vanier / Faubourg?
I cannot agree with the proposal to create a daycare of 80 kids at 147 Vanier Road in Aylmer. Zoned as residential, it does not provide room (80 kids = 80 cars for staff & parents, drop-off/pick-up on Faubourg). As a resident of Faubourg Street, I am concerned with the increased traffic. We already have trucks here from senior residence construction.
Several of us have paid fees for premium lots which this daycare will nullif.
The bike/walking path beside 147 Vanier is used daily by seniors, young families, pupils, and teens busing on Vanier to high school. Changes here will impact the area -- a path just built/paved and a line of trees, thanks to the ban on removing trees for commerce or construction.
Opening our street to Vanier---unnecessary--may be planned.
Despite no consultations, residents must have a voice. Covid19 does not justify silencing residents.
will also raise these issues with MP Fergus and Councillor Duggan.
Dan Riendeau
Faubourg / Aylmer