Pontiac NDP Riding Association members attend federal convention
Carl Hager
Five members of Pontiac’s NDP riding association took advantage of the NDP’s federal convention in Ottawa to hear new leader Jagmeet Singh’s speech to the delegates, February 17. Singh was emphatic on such issues as inequality and discrimination. He noted that inequality was destructive of the Canadian social fabric because 82% of Canadian economic growth goes to the top 1% of wealthiest Canadians. As prime minister, his government would promote a green infrastructure program and a more progressive tax system. He made it clear to the delegates attending the convention that proportional representation is high on his to do list as future prime minister.
Even in a minority government situation, the NDP would make PR a necessary condition for NDP support. Indeed, delegates strongly indicated – 91% – that they support his leadership. Delegates debated various resolutions brought by riding associations from all over Canada and voted to support resolutions on Universal Pharmacare and Dental Care. These will likely appear on the NDP’s next electoral platform.