#Ponpon gives back!
I wish to thank the
community, on behalf of my co-workers and the Foundation of Pavillon du
Parc (Centre du programme DI-DP-TSA, volet petite enfance) for the
generous donations of educational toys for children in need. A local
private daycare called Ponpon, owned by Kenney Joyce and Tamara Calci,
has a philosophy to give back to their community. Every year, they team
up with businesses in Aylmer -- such as ‘Ace du jeu’-- and the families
that receive services from that daycare, to pick up toys, food and
clothing to donate to families or to non-profit organizations in the
community. They also offer a free week of daycare to a family that
participates in this project. What an impressive initiative by a
Thank you so much and keep up the good work, everyone involved. #Ponpon gives back!
Lucie Desroches
Early Childhood Special Care Councillor