Police ticket driver for baby on floor
In the morning of September 26, a Gatineau police operation along Aylmer Road, designed to educate drivers about the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of respecting carpooling lanes, found a seven-month-old baby riding on the back-seat floor of one car. The car was equipped with a car seat.
Police put the baby in the car seat, gave the driver a $127 fine and deducted three points from the driver’s license.
Car seats are crucial to protect children, reducing their risk of injury by 71% to 82%, the risk of death by 28%, according to safeseats4kids.aaa.com. According to Transport Canada, child and booster seats have been required since 2012.
The city reminds parents they can visit the Hull police station every weekday between 1 and 1:30 p.m. to ensure that their car seats are installed correctly.