Police investigation
Aylmer elementary school students targeted via social media by imposter
In late January, an individual hiding behind an Instagram account has been targeting sixth grade girls at l’École internationale du Village in Aylmer. After befriending the girls on the popular photo-sharing social network by leaving friendly comments on their pictures, the individual, posing as a teenager, eventually sent pictures of his genitalia to the girls encouraging them to do the same. He even unsuccessfully attempted to schedule meet-ups with the girls.
According to school’s administration, who warned parents about the situation, some students have answered some of the imposter’s requests and sent inappropriate pictures to the Instagram user. Reached by the Bulletin, Gatineau police said that the school resource officer was made aware of the situation and that an investigation was open.
“I’m unable to say too much at this point regarding this case because we are dealing with children here. This is a very sensitive case,” said Andrée East, Gatineau police spokesperson. The officer, along with the school’s administration, did talk with the students about this alarming situation.
East encourages parents to find out what their children are doing online, to place devices (tablets, computers, etc.) in communal areas, and to monitor children's online behaviour.
Interested in a social media security workshop for pre-teens, teens and parents? Watch for details in upcoming editions of the Bulletin d’Aylmer.