Parc Madaire celebrates!
Parc Madaire celebrated the 25th anniversary of its construction on September 30. An innovative housing complex amid natural surroundings in the Deschênes area, Parc Madaire was built in a green neighbourhood, and a number of trees were planted on the site. Many were ash trees that would later be attacked by the emerald ash borer. The Parc Madaire Co-proprietors’ Syndicate and the Deschênes Residents’ Association have made substantial efforts to replace dead and damaged ash trees with a diversity of tree species, in order to maintain the wooded character of the neighbourhood.
This festival was a opportunity to celebrate their commitment to tree diversity, to share their experience with others who may be facing the same problem, and to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the complex, which is now an integral part of the heritage of Deschênes and of Gatineau.