October is Pedestrian month

For several years now, the month of October has been highlighting the importance of safety for pedestrians in Quebec.
According to the Gatineau Police (SPVG), fall is the time of year when pedestrians are most at risk of being involved in a traffic accident. This may be explained by reduced visibility because of less sunlight. Rain, cold weather and first snowfalls also lead pedestrians to rush and be more distracted.
The Gatineau Police will conduct various road safety operations aimed at pedestrian safety. These activities will be used to raise awareness among pedestrians and drivers of the rules of the Highway Safety Code.
The Société d’Assurance Automobile du Québec (SAAQ) has also stated that it plans to actively participate in the initiative. A wide range of information on pedestrian safety is available on their website at https://saaq.gouv.qc.ca/securite-routiere/.
Despite improvement in the road safety record, there have been more than 474 pedestrian accidents since 2014 in Gatineau. (Trans.: BA)