NSDF decision delayed .....
We recently received news that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has delayed a final decision on the proposed Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF) at Chalk River [the radioactive dump]. This step was taken to allow more time for engagement and consultation to take place with Algonquin communities, specifically Kebaowek and Kitigan Zibi. The new deadline for the CNSC to receive comments on the project is now expected in January, 2023, with a decision to follow after a review.
We applaud this news, as lack of proper consultation was a consistent theme throughout the hearings held earlier this year. If you want to know more, we encourage those interested in the issue to listen to the presentations from Algonquin communities given on June 2nd.
And get ready to dive in with us on August 14th! There is still time to register for our annual https://ottawariverkeeper.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=864922ec0db4801e90ca077c1&id=12f1acb3c8&e=da70e92603 Open Water Swim, and support a healthy swimmable river. This year we have two distances to choose from, our famous 4K race and a shorter 1.5K race.
The Ottawa Riverkeeper