---- More on the Park: MP Amos
The public's passion for saving Gatineau park has been evident the last few months, likely because people began to realize how precious it is, once the NCC started locking them out in all kinds of ways [due to the pandemic].
As for MP Will Amos (whose riding includes much of the Park), he’s AWOL when it comes to anything concerning the environment on the radioactive dump, Gatineau Park, and 5G. I hear that a lot. He’s not listening to the thousands of his constituents who signed CPAWS petitions wanting the Gatineau Park protected -- and those opposed to a radioactive dump, fearing it will damage the Ottawa River.
The sad thing is MP Amos studied environmental law; we would think he would be up in arms on these issues and fighting to stop them. His disinterest in these issue is troubling and confusing.
Trevor Myles