---More cycling lanes coming to chemin Eardley
On April 21, Gatineau’s executive committee approved to finance the development of additional cycling lanes, between rue Front and boulevard des Allumetières, along chemin Eardley. Along with new cycling lanes on both sides of the street, the work will also include the addition of a sidewalk, and the implementation of municipal water and sewage service to the area.
The project is an extension of similar work previously carried through on chemin Eardley, between rue Principale and rue Front. Delighted with the investment, Aylmer district councillor Audrey Bureau told the Aylmer Bulletin that the project is very important for the community because it will allow cyclists and pedestrians to move around more safely in the area. A long-awaited project, she said it responds to an important need for residents, adding that chemin Eardley was in great need of upkeep.
The new cycling lanes and the sidewalk should be accessible by the end of the year, Bureau said. Valued at approximately $3.2 million, the work is funded via the Québec Ministry of Transportation’s (MTQ) Programme d’aide financière au développement des transports actifs dans les périmètres urbains.