Modernization of the Official Languages Act

Minority language community leaders ask local media to push federal election candidates to insist on a new Central Agency responsible for the implentation of the Act, giving Treasury Board the responsibility to coordinate and implement the Act, along with a new administrative tribunal, among other recommendations. Photo: Nikki Mantell, publisher of the Low Down to Hull and Back News; Lily Ryan, publisher of the Bulletin d’Aylmer; Geoffrey Chambers, president of QCGN; Roxanne Deevey, Interim Director of Communications, AFO; Carol Jolin, President, Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO); Sylvia Martin Laforge, Executive Director, QCGN; Peter Hominuk, Executive Director, AFO; Rita Legault, Director of Communications, QCGN in the Bulletin d’Aylmer offices, August 26.