Memo from Big Oil
A leaked memo reveals that Big Oil and Gas lobbyists have been meeting regularly with Justin Trudeau’s inner cabinet to push their agenda to deregulate the oil and gas industry and cancel environmental regulations – all under the guise of responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) makes more than 30 requests in the confidential memo. They ask the federal government to delay action on the climate crisis, suspend some environmental laws and policies, and delay the legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. CAPP asks to be able to meet secretly with MPs. They want the rules that require lobbyists to register and report their meetings to be suspended -- just for them.
Will you join us in signing an open letter, with a clear message to the Trudeau government that says any aid given at this time needs to benefit people, workers and communities, not corporations’ bottom lines? (See our website)
Now is a time when we need to be able to trust our government. Using a global health emergency to ease rules to the benefit of Big Oil breaks that trust.
Right now, we need a government focused on people, workers and communities, not on bailing out and catering to Big Oil.
Robin Tress and Dylan Penner,
The Council of Canadians