Lucy-Faris library
Armed for Greatness, Christine Denis publishes
first book
Nathalie Nadeau Mijal
Sunday, April 15th, Christine Denis launched her first book, Armed for Greatness, at the Lucy-Faris Library.
To an audience of roughly 20 people, Denis gave a talk explaining that she had written the book as a guide for young people to ‘discover their full potential’ and to give them tools for coping with abuse. Denis describes her book as ‘teenage self-help’ but added that readers of all ages could use the story to find clarity.
The plot follows a woman as she goes through life, starting in high school and becoming a mother. The protagonist, Jessica, suffers bullying and abuse at different stages of her life and forms unhealthy relationships. The author is honest about the fact that Jessica’s story is loosely based on her own and that many of the scenes in the book really took place.
Her book offers techniques and exercises that aim to tackle ‘limiting beliefs’ and empower readers so that they may avoid the challenges she faced.
Jessica ‘doesn’t understand why she keeps attracting abuse in her life’ and ‘her worst fear when she has kids is that the abuse will be transferred to the children.’ Denis’ own daughter is in the audience, yet the author speaks openly about difficult or sad situations she faced and what she learned. A confident speaker, she keeps her tone light though visibly displays emotion when she reaches the more touching parts of her story. ‘I teach about how it’s possible to have a relationship with a loved one that has passed on… My father passed away a long time ago, but I have felt his presence forever,’ she says, her voice breaking. Noticeably moved, audience members offer each other tissues. In the book, Jessica is able to connect with her deceased father through meditation and receive his guidance. Denis asks the group to close their eyes, breathe deeply, and repeat after her. ‘Because I am cherished, I am loved, and I am powerful,’ chants the audience. ‘This book will arm you for greatness,’ she concludes.
The Gatineau-based author plans to follow up on Armed for Greatness with a blog, workshops and conferences, and hopes to write a second book. When asked what issues youth are facing today, Denis does not hesitate. ‘I think that a lot of them are lost. They are looking for tools and that’s one of the reasons why I wrote the book. I wanted to let them know that they are not alone… I spoke to a lot of kids before I wrote this book. They say that they need role models.’ She hopes her workshops will provide a safe space for teens to learn how to deal with bullying.
Armed for Greatness is available at