Letters from politicians?
I've noticed that you often publish letters from politicians and high profile public officials. As it is, they have other venues to get their thoughts out into the public, such as House of Commons mail-outs to constituents or even calling press conferences. I'm not saying you shouldn't publish any letters from this group, but I would have you consider that regular folk don't have the same opportunities to have their voices heard.
One set of politicians that I do appreciate hearing from is our municipal councilors. Since The Bulletin d’Aylmer is a community newspaper, it makes sense that you bring news that affects us closer to home. If there is a restriction of six to eight letters for each official language per newspaper issue, I would much rather see a letter from a local person over a letter from a far-flung politician or well known power broker.
There are a number of local contributors that regularly appear on your Letters page. They express their thoughts very well and, I enjoy reading them - even if I disagree with their points of view.
Steve d'Eça
EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes, we try to publish most letters sent specifically to the Bulletin, even from political and organizational figures. Letters from our readers always take priority – assuming they contain original observations and not reprints of what has appeared elsewhere. Likewise for letters from political sources: they should concern topics which are not already well-covered in the media and which are of importance to our readers. We do give our councillors top priority. Many major issues are not well-represented in the corporate media, and we feel it is an aid to our readers to see these notices. And, yes, we also appreciate our regular letter-writers, even if they have to wait their turn at times. Remember: it is content that matters most!