Let’s talk potholes!
Mr Ryan’s editorial on potholes made me hope that in the future the editorial would be about how much better our road surfaces have become.
It would be in everyone’s best interest if we investigated the latest technology in pavement which uses recycled plastic to create a road surface that is more resilient than plain asphalt and reuses plastic waste. This technology is being used now in India, Texas and in about 100 cities on the west coast of the USA. It is being marketed by various companies world wide and would be an investment with a twofold payoff. One, being a better and stronger road surface, and two, being an ingenious way to reuse plastic waste.
These two elements, potholes and plastic waste, are a plague for our communities and this technology could play an important roll in alleviating the impact of both issues. Ever hopeful, I have added a link here for information to start an investigation into the efficacy of this technology: https://constructionclimatechallenge.com/2018/10/30/innovative-solution-recycled-plastics-hybrid-asphalt-building-roads/
Ron Temchuk,