Gatineau: 2019 budget debate
Improved safety around elementary schools by 2023
Gatineau wants to see concrete measures for safety around schools in its 2019 budget. The goal is to improve visibility within school corridors for pedestrians as well as for motorists. One of the recommendations is to limit the installation of school corridor signs within a 500-metre radius of schools.
The City’s pilot project called for the installation of school corridor signs, speed reducing flexible markers and bollards, many street markers and photo radars for 10 elementary schools in Gatineau. Fifty-five more safety projects are to be completed. Each project costs approximately $10,000 and $550,000 is required for the whole of the school corridors. The 55 safety projects will be gradually completed between 2019 and 2023.
There are 60 elementary schools and five more are planned on Gatineau’s territory. The planning of safety measures around elementary schools is the responsibility of the transport division within the Service de l’urbanisme et du développement durable (SUDD). For the implementation of these measures, the SUDD collaborates with Gatineau’s public works and police department.
In 2031, the City hopes that 60% of elementary school pupils use active transportation (bikes, scooters, skateboards and walking) to get to school. According to the City, in 2011, 38% of elementary schoolchildren used active transportation. (Trans: CB)