Good news: more Blue Communities
I want to share some good news. Today, we welcome our newest Blue Community: Huron College in London, Ontario! The students and administration have passed resolutions to support the human right to water, keep water public, and phase out bottled water sales on campus. We now have 86 Blue Communities worldwide, and activists are busy working on this in eleven other cities as well. To turn your community Blue, HYPERLINK "mailto:mcalzavara@canadians.org" n 1email me or visit our website at HYPERLINK "https://canadians.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb9e08a9113c74c2263f5d4e2&id=c98366e79f&e=4cef51d000". There are few things more important than clean, safe water. Thanks for all you do to protect this precious resource. Together, we can keep up the pressure to fight polluting industries, weak federal government protections, and water privatization efforts that are putting our water resources at risk. Mark Calzavara, The Council of Canadians Ottawa