Gatineau proposes bylaw amendments targeting three construction projects
Sophie Demers
Gatineau published a public notice on September 24 concerning modifications and bylaw amendments to the Land Management Plan and the Urbanization Plan that affect three construction projects.
The first is in Aylmer in Deschênes. Gatineau proposes a bylaw amendment to expand the limits of two zones. This will target six lots on rue de l’Aigle and rue du Golf and allow the construction of six single-family homes.
The second project is in Gatineau at 105, 110, 120 and 135 rue Maurice-Beaudoin. The Specific Building, Modification, or Occupancy of a building bylaw proposal will allow for the construction of six multi-family residences as part of the Jardins Lorrain project, phase three, in Rivière-Blanche.
For the buildings located at 100, 110 and 120 rue Maurice-Beaudoin, the proposal would allow for a height of five storeys, 52 units per building, a space of 4.7 metres from a building to the rear property line, the construction of stairs encroaching on 4.5 metres of the distance from the front property line, and construction of a driveway located 1.65 metres from the main building. For the construction of the buildings at 105 and 115 rue Maurice-Beaudoin the proposal would allow for them to be four storeys, have 24 units each and have an access lane 1.6 metres from the main building. The 135 rue Maurice-Beaudoin building will be a detached multi-family dwelling with five storeys and 27 units.
In Masson-Anger, Gatineau is proposing a bylaw to authorize the expansion of an elementary school for the use of temporary classrooms without a continuous foundation or concrete piles as the present bylaw dictates. It would also permit a distance of 3.9 metres instead of 10 metres from the rear property lines. In addition, the proposed amendment would allow the installation of the temporary classrooms in the Angers Community Centre parking lot.
Any resident eligible to vote in Gatineau may request their judgement of conformity of Specific Building, Modification or Occupancy of the Building proposal from the Quebec Municipal Commission. The request must be submitted to the commission within 30 days of publication, September 24. It must be addressed to:
Commission Municipale du Québec
10, rue Pierre-Olivier-Chauveau, Mezzanine, Chauveau Wing
Québec QC G1R 5Z1
If they receive at least five requests for judgement of conformity regarding the bylaw proposals, the Commission will give its judgment on Gatineau’s Land Management Plan and Urbanism Plan within 60 days.
Residents can consult the Draft of the proposals at the Clerk’s Service in the Maison du Citoyens building located at 25 Laurier Street on the fifth floor during their office hours. For more information, the Clerk’s Service can be reached at 819-243-2345 ext. 7188.
CAP: Plans for Gatineau construction project on 105, 110, 120, and 135 rue Maurice-Beaudoin.