------ Frustrated ordinary Americans ?
Mr Lefebvre's letter last week corrects our common assumption that the mob scene in Washington was all racists and bullies. They were frustrated ordinary Americans. Many of Trump's followers are racist and anarchists -- and that's their right. The majority found in him a voice in the wilderness of neoliberal Democratic and Republican austerity and globalization. Think about that.
Trump promised jobs. He promised to stop the bleeding of U.S. manufacturing into the cheap-jobs world of Mexico, China, and Vietnam. His speeches bristled with contempt for the elitists on either side who told blue-collar workers to take computer classes and who made empty promises how that would redefine their lives.
The vandals in the Capitol building were speaking-by-acts against the effect of globalization, austerity, tax cuts for the wealthiest, and crumbling social services, schools especially. Is our surprise real, and shouldn't we expect something similar here since we see the same caution and alarmism in so many Canadian politicians?
Reza Foldat