Free compost – why not?
Following a number of questions which have been raised, with legitimate frustration, on a possible cancellation of the (City’s) free distribution of compost, made with our food and vegetable wastes, I would like to put
forward a possible solution.
My district’s councillor told me that a final decision has not been made by the Municipal Council on this program, although it has been reported in various newspapers (including the Bulletin) and on Radio-Canada. An official and public decision will be made at the next monthly meeting of the Municipal Council on the 11th of April.
I suggest that we all go to the Jean-Desprez Room, in the Maison des citoyens (City Hall, Hull) on April 11th at 7:30 pm. If you cannot go, please send me an email stating that you support that program, and I will table those emails on your behalf as a virtual petition.
Let us all go together or send me your email. The more we are, whether it be in person or virtually, the more we can get things moving in our best interests.