Fraser at Lucerne
End of deadlock at Terrasses des Vignobles Condos
The wrap-up of the Terrasses des Vignobles Condos project is now in sight. Speaking of the long-delayed construction project on Fraser Road between Lucerne Boulevard and rue des Grands-Châteaux, Richard Bégin, Deschênes councillor, remarked, “I wish to thank Mr Bouladier for his cooperation; after several meetings, work will start again on Fraser Road. Asphalt, borders, concrete slabs, and a cycling path on the east side of the road must be done before the end of November.”
For months, years even, the area around the Terrasses des Vignobles Condos remained unlandscaped -- to the irritation of a group of residents, which include Hans Bolowich and Denis Bergeron, a representative of the Terrasses des Vignoles residents association.
“Workers did start digging on November 14, but I doubt they will finish the project before spring,” commented Bergeron.
One issue he encountered was the number of players and steps involved in switching the hydro poles and the wires from one side of the street to the other to allow the landscaping and the addition of sidewalks to go forward.
To complete the switch, Hydro-Québec first installed new poles on the side of the street opposite the old poles. After workers transferred the electrical wires, communication companies, such as Bell and Videotron, would do the same upon payment from the builder. Once switched, Hydro-Québec would remove the old, unused poles, allowing the builder to complete the sidewalk, the parking spaces and the landscaping. However, somewhere along the line the process jammed.
“The Videotron employee told me that someone had taken a long time to pay, but it was done in mid-October. The employee said that it was now too late for the work to be done this fall because they needed to draw up plans, and so on,” said Bergeron. “The good news is the work did start. The meetings did help, but if it weren’t for the articles in the Bulletin and Mr Bégin’s work, I think the construction work would have started in 2018.”