Flu vaccine shortage in Aylmer
Free flu vaccines are available for vulnerable residents, according the health agency, CISSO. However, for the general population, flu vaccines are to be procured privately. Pharmacies in Aylmer had run out and several told the Bulletin that a new shipment was to be delivered November 15. Appointments are usually necessary, with many taking appointments in the second week of December, the Bulletin was told at press time. Seniors, immuno-compromised, pregnant women and chronically ill people have access to the free health-system vaccination program.
Thinking of going to Ontario? Think again.
Quebec residents cannot just go over to Ontario to get their flu shots, the Bulletin was told. With the shortage across the country, and provincial cross-border billing incompatibilities, pharmacies and health clinics are not taking Quebec patients in other provinces.
To book a flu shot, call one of the local pharmacies or call the health agency to ask about eligibility for the free shot (819 966-6277).