“Every child deserves a chance”
Hungry-to-Help fundraises in Aylmer
Bulletin staff
In Canada, roughly four children in 30 step into their classrooms hungry. To address this, the non-profit "Hungry to Help" is organizing a Fashion Show and Silent Auction, 6 pm, November 12, at Eardley Elementary on North Street in Aylmer. “Help us provide healthy school lunches to under-privileged elementary children in this region,” asks Larry Prickett, a local member of the organization. He adds that requests for help are growing.
According to Stats Canada, “food insecurity can be harmful to healthy growth and development . . . due to lower consumption of fruits and vegetables, milk products, or other sources of vitamins and minerals. Such deficiencies may lead to obesity, developmental abnormalities, or a com-promised immune system.” Stats Canada found that parents who suffer from food insecurity often cut their own meals to prevent children from going hungry.
“Parents (may) become separated or jobless, poor, dealing with addictions, long-term illness, or a parent may have died or left, leaving a family in difficult circumstances,” Prickett noted. “Offering help in such circumstances is not “enabling a weakness” or “creating dependency”, as some seem to suggest, but a moral obligation of a civilized society and to our children. One of the greatest assets of public education is that we never know where our next science genius, brilliant artist, musician or writer will come from. We should strive to not have them distracted by hunger. Every child deserves a chance.”
The cost to participate in the Fashion Show and Silent Auction is $10 for children and $25 for adults. Tickets are available at https://fashionshowsilentauction.eventbrite.ca and/or for more information call: 819-328-0452.