East Gatineau Excavation company fined over $20,000 for environmental violation

Démolition et Excavation L. Piché & Fils inc has been fined $20,488 for violating the Quebec Ministry of Environment Law on the quality of the environment.
The east Gatineau company was found guilty of depositing or dumping waste materials, including pieces of wood, metal, plastic and concrete asphalt shingles, on an unauthorized lot, which is a direct violation of Article 66.2e of Quebec’s Environment Quality Act.
The company has been ordered to pay a fine of $20,000 and must also repay the prosecution costs incurred by the Department, which amount to $488, for having failed to take the necessary measures to ensure that these materials are stored, processed or disposed of in an authorized location.
The Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment, and Fight Against Climate Change would like to remind the population that citizens can report any act or gesture that may affect the quality of the environment, online at www.environnement.gouv.qc.ca or by telephone, at Urgence-Environnement, at 1-866-694-5454.
At press time, representatives from the company had not returned calls by the Bulletin.