Eardley Road gas station comes down
Shell has asked city council’s committee for a demolition permit to level the building located at 75 Eardley Road, built in 1985. The company will also dismantle the awning, the gas tanks and the pumps. The gas station was closed September 7, 2015.
The demolition is needed in order to proceed with decontamination, since some of the contaminated soil is under the building itself. The Aylmer property is on the Ministry of Environment’s list of contaminated lots.
Following decontamination, the property will be levelled and brought back to its natural state, either gravel or sod. As per zoning and deconstruction regulations, a fence made of treated wood posts and galvanized metal chains must be installed. For now, no new construction is planned for the residentially-zoned property. (LRC/CB)