Double bike paths or a third auto lane?
From what I read in the Bulletin d’Aylmer today, Mr Bégin was quoted saying: "Bike paths on both sides of Lucerne boulevard are planned.” How much $$$ is that going to cost Aylmer taxpayers?
Isn’t there an existing bike path metres away from Lucerne? I’ve never seen a city with two bike paths, one beside the other. This city must be rich.
I use the NCC bike path almost daily; I don’t see the use of another bike path. As for “direct access”, is 2-3 minutes more going to kill you? If you think about it, the head wind will slow the cyclists down as there will be no trees to protect them from it.
And, finally, “All year long”? C’mon, let’s be realistic here. I would be very surprised if there are 10-15 winter cyclists (out of an Aylmer population of 35,000).
A third car lane would be more appropriate; we already have the NCC bike path.
Bob Rousselle