Dedicated bike lane needed
Repaving and upgrading Lucerne Road between Chemin Vanier and Champlain Bridge is imminently needed. A third car lane will serve no use; it will only speed up the inevitable bottle neck traffic jams.
How to reduce traffic congestion then? Simple, get cars off the roads. One way to do this in that area is a dedicated bike lane. I know several cyclists, myself included, who won't transit back and forth to Ottawa during rush hour because it is too dangerous on the quick east-west roads. Or too slow and dangerous on the multi-use riverway path. I am sure there are many other cyclists who feel the same way.
Lastly, micro-managing “pay per use of city bike path infrastructure services” is unrealistic. We must trust elected politicians to best decide for the common weal in how taxes are spent. Just like we do with land developments, clinics, libraries, community-rec centres, snow removal, etc.
I enjoy the paper!
Paul Spaniel