COVID clinic praise
I am so impressed with the thoroughness and seriousness of our medical professionals! Last Thursday I was advised by my doctor that I had to go to our community’s COVID centre rather than to his office since my symptoms included several flu-like ones.
The doctor had all the reservations for me, I was met at the front door and escorted to the COVID lab door -- something suitable for Star Trek! The nurse was outfitted completely, the doors zippered open and closed, every precaution I could look for was taken. The nurse agreed with my doctor’s fear and administered the nasal and throat swabs (very uncomfortable!) but I have not received the results yet -- this delay, including the weekend, is my only complaint.
My doctor conferred with the COVID nurse by phone and agreed to see me later in the day on her recommendation that I was not contagious. The whole thing took less than an hour -- including driving and parking time. I couldn’t ask for better treatment. The people on the ground at that clinic are true public servants -- heroes, really, if we want to throw that word around. Thank you to them all.
R. Cartwright,
Munic. Pontiac